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  1. Make a donation
  2. The Call
  3. Participants
  4. What’s the International Freedom Battalion ?
  5. Historical continuity for the Red Help
  6. Materials
  7. Last Updates
  8. Facebook

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Take part in this fundraising by donating:
IBAN: CH82 0900 0000 8555 9939 2 – Communication: «Celox»

The call

At the heart of the Middle-East, peoples of Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) have risen up against reactionary forces oppressing the region since decades. After setting free Rojava from Daesh, the Rojava inhabitants and the many foreign revolutionaries who came to support them are worrying the american imperialists and NATO as well as the reactionary and fascist regimes from the Middle-East : Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran. All of them are now intervening in the region with bombings and interference. By doing so, they are reproducing the same strategies that created many islamist groups such as the Daesh, Al Qaeda or Al Nusra. These groups are golems who escaped the control of the capitalist countries who gave them birth.

The ennemies of the people have great difficulty ending the struggle for liberation that peoples of Rojava started to set, even by using their usual weapons : deadly bombings, shelling civilians, mass detentions of revolutionary militants, permanent attacks against the people’s guerrillas and capitalist hagglings. This struggle is going on in Rojava, in Kurdistan and in the whole Middle-East, as the armed women of Rojava are now the worst nightmare of the islamists.

After gathering their usual and historical allies -USA, NATO, EU, UN, social-democrats and reactionary regimes- Turkey undertook a wide repression campain accross the kurdish territories in Turkey, Iraq and Syria, as their main goal is to wreck the revolutionary ambitions of the oppressed peoples of Rojava.

Let’s support the International Freedom Battalion which gathers communist, anarchist and antifascist fighters who came to defend Rojava in the spirit of the International Brigades who defended Spain in 1936. Let’s bring our political and material support by funding hemostatic dressings. 60% of gunshot wounded die of bleeding while waiting for care. These dressings quickly stop the bleeding and cost 40€ each.

Support the revolutionary stuggle of the peoples of Rojava and elsewhere against islamists, USA, NATO and reactionary states !

Combattant(e)s du Bataillon International de libération au Rojava
Combattant(e)s du Bataillon International de libération au Rojava

Participants to the campaign

Full list has moved here.

To join the campaign, contact us!

All the fees needed by the campaign (posters, flyers, website,…) will be paid by the participants. Each donated euro will go to Rojava.


What’s the International Freedom Battalion ?


The International Freedom Battalion (IFB) is an independent brigade composed of revolutionaries coming from Turkey, Europe and elsewhere to defend the Rojava revolution. It exists as an independent force beside YPG/YPJ/QSD.

It was founded the 10th of June 2015 at the initiative of the MLKP (Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Turkey and Kurdistan) and it’s based on the International Brigades who defended the Spanish Revolution in 1936. Several communist and anarchist revolutionary groups (e.g. TKPML/Tikko, MLSPB-DC, RC, TKEP/L, ΕΣΔΑ) as well as independent revolutionary individuals gathered in the BÖG (United Freedom Forces). These groups and individuals are coming from different political tendencies: marxism-leninism, hoxhaism, maoïsm, anarchism, trotskysm,…

Since it was founded, the IFB has fought on every front of Rojava (with the exception of Afrin), and it has helped the Kurdish forces to defeat Daesh and other islamist groups in the region.

Historical continuity for the Red Help

Le SRI dans la guerre d'Espagne: à gauche des volontaires canadiens, à droite un hôpital militaire
Le SRI dans la guerre d'Espagne: à gauche des volontaires canadiens, à droite un hôpital militaire

As the voluntaries of the IFB can be compared to the International Brigades in Spain, the commitment of the International Red Help (and its belgian section) in the assistance to the IFB can be compared to the assistance brought to the Republican Spain by the Red Help between 1936 and 1939. At that time, Red Help funded and provided medical supplies and staffs for the antifascist fighters.

Update on Feb. 1st 2018

Defend the internationalists defending Rojava in Afrin!
The campaign to buy Celox and send it to the International Freedom Battalion in Rojava has been a great success. While it started during the battle for Kobane, it developed in such a manner that the internationalists were provided with Celox for the final offensive against the caliphate and in the long battle for Raqqa. During the war there were reorganizations of the internationalists in Rojava (with the appearance of new units such as ‘YPG International’). Now, as the Turkish army and their islamist supporters attack Rojava in Afrin and the internationalists move towards this front, the necessity of Celox becomes larger yet again. We must finance, buy and deliver new Celox to the front urgently. Contribute to this campaign!